Information for Authors

Information for authors wanting to submit for publication in AJCEH.

1. Contributions should conform to the style outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., 2001), except that spelling should conform to the Macquarie Dictionary.Page references in the following notes are to the Publication Manual.The attention of authors is especially drawn to the organizational overview in the fifth edition (pp. xiii–xxviii).

2. Manuscripts (pp. 283–320), not usually to exceed 4500 words, should be typed clearly on quarto or A4 paper, double-spaced throughout and with margins of at least 4 cm on all four sides. Three copies are required. Duplicated or photocopied copies are acceptable if they closely resemble typed copies.

3. Title page (pp. 296–298) for the manuscript should show the title of the article, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the authors, and a running head. The bottom of the page should also include the name and address (including postal code) of the person to whom proofs and reprint requests should be sent.

4. An abstract (p. 298) should follow the title page. The abstract of a report of an empirical study is 100-150 words; the abstract of a review or theoretical paper is 75-100 words.

5. Abbreviations (pp. 103–111) should be kept to a minimum.

6. Metric units (pp. 130–136) are used in accordance with the International System of Units (SI), with no full stops when abbreviated.

7. Tables (pp. 147–176) should be typed on separate sheets with rules (if any) in light pencil only. Please indicate approximate location in the text.

8. Figures (pp. 176–201) should be presented as glossy photographic prints or as black-ink drawings on Bristol board, similar white card, or good quality tracing paper. Diagrams and lettering must have a professional finish and be about twice the final size required. On the back of each figure there should appear in light pencil the name(s) of the author(s), the article title, the figure number and caption, without the front of the figure being defaced. Indicate approximate location in the text. The two copies of figures may be photocopies.

9. References (pp. 215–281) are given at the end of the text. All references cited in the text must appear in the reference list.

10. A copy of the MS must be kept by the author for proofreading purposes.

11. Send submissions by email to The Editor Dr Graham Jamieson of The University of New England – send submission

Electronic Copies

An electronic copy in pdf only will be emailed to authors.

In view of the increasing complexities of copyright law, copyright of material published in the Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis rests with the Australian Society of Hypnosis Limited. Authors are at liberty to publish their own papers in books of which they are the author or the editor, and may reproduce their papers for their own use.

All submissions to the AJCEH are subject to a (blind) peer refereed review process; this includes expanded research-based analytical reviews of books, but does not include film reviews or short book reviews, unless otherwise noted. The rejection rate for first submissions of research-based articles currently runs at about 25%. Submissions will generally be acknowledged within two weeks of receipt, and feedback on reviews within four months. The time span for publication of articles can take up to 12 months from date of first receipt, depending on the amount of changes required in the article and the timing of the submission of the final draft.